Day: November 14, 2022

My Speech

In my classroom we have been doing speeches about anything we want!

My speech is about Dolphins. 

Image result for dolphin pic

Dolphins can be found all over the

 world and in the sea.

Underwater noise sickness/pollution is a

 real threat to dolphins. 

They like to blow bubbles.

There are around 40

species of dolphins and seven 

species of porpoises.

Dolphins are marine mammals.

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Dolphins eat fish, squid and crustaceans like crabs.

All dolphins have conical-shaped teeth.

The orca is the largest dolphin.

Dolphins have 2 stomachs &

They dive up to 1,000 feet.

Dolphins can live up to 50 years &

dolphins never chew their food.

Did you know that the Amazon River has pink dolphins!

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That was my speech about dolphins.